Ontario Administrative Segregation
Important Dates
Summary of Class Members’ legal rights and options at this time
Francis Class
Submit a Claim
The deadline to submit your Claim is March 1, 2025.
The deadline to Object to the Distribution Protocol was September 16, 2022.
Chandra Class
Submit a Claim
The deadline to submit your Claim is March 1, 2025.
The deadline to opt out of the Class Action was September 16, 2022.
The deadline to Object to the Distribution Protocol and Settlement was September 16, 2022.
Address & Contact Info Changes: Please promptly notify the Administrator of any changes to your contact information as we use what’s on file to communicate with you. When providing changes, please provide your full name, your claim ID (if applicable), as well as confirm the old contact information and the change requested.
Frequently asked questions (FAQs)
1. What is a class action lawsuit?
3. What are the lawsuits about?
4. Who is a member of these class actions?
5. Am I eligible for compensation?
6. How much money can I claim under the Distribution Protocol?
8. What if I do not make a claim?
9. Do I have a lawyer in the case?
10. What are eligible mental health disorders in these class actions?
11. How will the lawyers be paid?
12. How do I get more information?
1. What is a class action lawsuit?
A class action is a type of lawsuit in which one or more persons, called representative plaintiffs, bring a proceeding on behalf of all individuals who have similar claims, except for those who choose to exclude themselves (opt out).
The Court has approved the Short Form Notice and Long Form Notice to let you know your rights. There are two lawsuits about Administrative Segregation in Ontario jails that have been authorized by the Court to proceed as class actions:
You might have already received a notice of certification of these lawsuits. However, the current Short Form Notice and Long Form Notice provide updates on important developments in these lawsuits and to inform you about who can make a claim for money.
1Certain fees and expenses were deducted from this amount.
Under the Court-approved Distribution Protocol, both the Francis and Chandra aggregate damages amounts will be combined into a single fund of approximately $32,779,000, to be divided equally amongst all eligible Class Members who file a claim. Additional compensation may be available to certain Class Members, as described below.
You can download a copy of the complete Settlement Agreement and Distribution Protocol here or you can request copies from the Claims Administrator by email, phone, or mail. The Claims Administrator’s contact information can be found here.
Class Members who want to claim a share of the aggregate damages, and/or make a claim for additional money under the Distribution Protocol, must submit a Claim Form before March 1st, 2025.
3. What are the lawsuits about?
Both lawsuits argued that Ontario improperly subjected Inmates to Administrative Segregation. The lawsuits claimed that such Administrative Segregation constituted systemic negligence and a breach of Inmates' rights under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Ontario denies these claims.
4. Who is a member of these class actions?
The Francis Class includes:
All current and former Inmates, who were alive as of April 20, 2015:
I. Inmates with a Serious Mental Illness
and who suffered from their disorder, in a manner described in Appendix “A” (see below), and,
c. who reported such diagnosis and suffering to the Defendant's agents before or during their Administrative Segregation;
II. Inmates in Prolonged Administrative Segregation
The Court has decided that anyone placed in Administrative Segregation between January 1, 2009 and April 20, 2015 is barred from pursuing a Claim from this time period, unless they can rebut the presumed limitation period.
If you were placed in Administrative Segregation for 15 or more days between January 1, 2009 and April 19, 2015, or if you have a serious mental illness and spent any time in Administrative Segregation between January 1, 2009 and April 19, 2015, you should contact the Claims Administrator to provide the details of your placement(s), because you may still be entitled to money if you can prove you could not start a lawsuit before April 20, 2015.
The Chandra Class includes:
All current and former Inmates, who were alive as of May 14, 2018:
I. Inmates with a Serious Mental Illness
and who suffered from their disorder, in a manner described in Appendix “A” (see below), and,
c. who reported such diagnosis and suffering to the Defendant's agents before or during their Administrative Segregation;
II. Inmates in Prolonged Administrative Segregation
a) who were subjected to Administrative Segregation for 15 or more consecutive days at one of the Correctional Institutions between September 19, 2018 and August 18, 2021.
Certain terms are defined as follows:
“Correctional Institutions” are correctional institutions as defined in the Ministry of Correctional Services Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. M.22, excluding the St. Lawrence Valley Correctional and Treatment Centre.
“Inmates” are inmates as defined in the Ministry of Correctional Services Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. M.22.
“Administrative Segregation” refers to segregation as outlined in section 34 of Regulation 778, R.R.O. 1990 under Ministry of Correctional Services Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. M.22.
Appendix “A”
Please note: the glossary of the relevant DSM is to be used to interpret the foregoing terms where appropriate.
5. Am I eligible for compensation?
If you are a member of these class actions and would like to make a Claim for money, you must submit a Claim Form before March 1st, 2025. The Claims Administrator, or a Court-appointed Referee if applicable, will determine if you are eligible to receive compensation.
Class Members who spent 15 or more consecutive days (15 or more days in a row) in Administrative Segregation in an Ontario Jail between April 20, 2015 and August 18, 2021 will be eligible to receive a share of the aggregate damage awards. Class Members may be eligible for additional compensation, assessed by the Claims Administrator, by a Court-appointed Referee, or by the Court itself, discussed below.
6. How much money can I claim under the Distribution Protocol?
There are three ways you can claim compensation:
Boxes 1, 2 and/or 3
UP TO $100,000
There are 3 types of Track 2 damages that can be claimed, depending on what criteria you meet:
Box 1: For Prolonged Class Members who spent 15 or more consecutive days in Administrative Segregation, money for each day, 15 days and over, UP TO $40,000
Box 2: Damages for SMI (seriously mentally ill) Class Members based on placement length(s), UP TO $20,000
Box 3: Damages for other mental health conditions (see list below) based on placement length(s), UP TO $40,000
(All eligible Prolonged Class Members will receive at least an equal share of the aggregate damages award, credited against any Track 2 award).
With no limit to your claim
(All eligible Prolonged Class Members will receive at least an equal share of the $32.7 million, credited against any Track 3 award.)
SHARE OF $32.7 million
All eligible Prolonged Class Members who spent 15 or more consecutive days in Administrative Segregation will receive a share of the $32.7 million aggregate damages award.
All eligible Prolonged Class Members who spent 15 or more consecutive days in Administrative Segregation will be automatically considered for additional money under Track 2 Box 1 for each consecutive day, 15 days and over, spent in Administrative Segregation, UP TO $40,000.
(All eligible Prolonged Class Members will receive at least an equal share of the aggregate damages award, credited against any Track 2 award).
2Pursuant to the Distribution and Individual Protocol, approved by the Court on September 22, 2023, Track 1 claims (aggregate damages for Class Members who spent 15 or more consecutive days in Administrative Segregation) will be merged with Track 2, Box 1 claims.
Claim Form
Track Selection Form
Brief written arguments to establish eligibility for certain criteria
Your Affidavit (optional)
(subject to some exceptions if your eligibility is in dispute)
Claim Form
Track Selection Form
Statement of Claim and Notice of Motion for Summary Judgment, filed with the Ontario Superior Court of Justice
Brief written arguments to establish eligibility for certain criteria, and evidence demonstrating harm caused by your placement in Administrative Segregation
Affidavits and other evidence (optional)
Claim Form
Track Selection Form
(subject to some exceptions if your eligibility is in dispute)
The Claims Administrator will review information about your placement length(s) and the Referee will decide any questions about eligibility criteria.
Damages will be awarded based on grids up to a maximum of $100,000. The award must then be approved by the Court.
At a court hearing (called “a motion for summary judgment”) a Judge will review your evidence, any evidence that Ontario presents, and hear legal arguments. The Judge will then determine the amount of your award, if any.
NO Court hearing.
NO assessment by a Referee (subject to some exceptions).
Fastest Process
15% of the additional money obtained, plus disbursements and a levy to any funder
(But NO additional legal fee on a Prolonged Class Member’s share of the $32.7 million)
ANY legal fee agreed to between you and your lawyer on the additional money obtained, plus any disbursements, plus a levy to any funder
(But NO additional legal fee on a Prolonged Class Member’s share of the $32.7 million)
NO additional legal fee on a Prolonged Class Member’s share of the $32.7 million aggregate damages award.
15% of any additional money obtained under Track 2 Box 1, plus disbursements and a levy to any funder.
The Francis lawsuit received financial support from the Class Proceedings Fund (CPF). If you are a Francis Class Member, there will be a fee called a levy that reduces the amount of any money that you may receive for your claim. This levy is the sum of the amount of any financial support paid from the CPF plus 10 per cent of the amount of the award.
A chart summarizing the amounts available for Track 2 claims are set out below:
15-29 consecutive days in Administrative Segregation
Up to $10,000
30-44 consecutive days in Administrative Segregation
Up to $15,000
45-80 consecutive days in Administrative Segregation
Up to $20,000
80-100 consecutive days in Administrative Segregation
Up to $30,000
More than 100 consecutive days in Administrative Segregation
Up to $40,000
Additional damages if SMI:
Lump Sum (“A”):
Amount per separate qualifying placement in Administrative Segregation (“B”)
Amount per qualifying day (“C”):
Maximum A+B+C:
Additional damages for any one or more of: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Severe Clinical Depression, Self-injurious behavior, substantial degradation in Axis I Disorder (excluding substance use disorders), or substantial degradation of Borderline Personality Disorder (“BPD”):
If Referee determines the Claimant, during the Francis Class Period or the Chandra Class Period,
1-14 consecutive days in Administrative Segregation
Up to $5,000
15-29 consecutive days in Administrative Segregation
Up to $10,000
30-44 consecutive days in Administrative Segregation
Up to $15,000
45-80 consecutive days in Administrative Segregation
Up to $20,000
80-100 consecutive days in Administrative Segregation
Up to $30,000
More than 100 consecutive days in Administrative Segregation
Up to $40,000
There are several other parts of the Distribution Protocol that describe, among other things: access to records of segregation placements, disclosure of documents, costs, and interest. If you would like to request a complete copy of the Distribution Protocol, please contact the Claims Administrator at 1-833-290-4730, download a copy here, or email info@OntarioAdministrativeSegregation.ca.
You must submit a fully completed Court-approved Claim Form to the Claims Administrator by March 1st, 2025, or else you will not be eligible to receive any money. To get a Claim Form you have the following options:
Claim Form Available by Phone or Mail
Claim Form Available at Parole Offices
Incarcerated Claimants
Claim Form Available Online and by Email
If you are currently incarcerated in an Ontario jail, you can get a Claim Form and pre-paid postage return envelope from the common area(s) in the jail.
Write or call the Claims Administrator to request a Claim Form:
Ontario Administrative Segregation Class Action Notice Administrator
c/o Epiq Class Action Services Canada
PO Box 507 STN B
Ottawa, ON K1P 5P6
Download the Claim Form online or request a copy of the Claim Form by email.
Email: info@OntarioAdministrativeSegregation.ca
You can also submit your Claim Form online through this website.
Ask for a copy of the Claim Form and pre-paid postage return envelope from your Probation and Parole Office in Ontario.
If a paper Claim Form is used, the postmark (date stamped by Canada Post) on the envelope will be considered as the day the Claim Form was submitted to the Claims Administrator.
You do not need a lawyer in order to submit a Claim Form.
8. What if I do not make a Claim?
If you do not make a Claim before March 1st, 2025, you will not be able to get any money as a result of these class actions, you will lose your right to a share of the money awarded to the Class by the Court, and you will be forever releasing any lawsuits you may have had against Ontario in respect to Administrative Segregation in Ontario jails. You will not be able to sue Ontario independently for your experiences in Administrative Segregation.
Even if you previously provided information to Class Counsel, another lawyer, or a support agency, you must still submit a Claim Form specifically for these Class Actions before March 1st, 2025, or you will not be eligible to receive money.
9. Do I have a lawyer in the case?
Yes. The Court has appointed the law firm Koskie Minsky LLP to represent you and other Class Members as “Class Counsel.”
You will not be required to pay for these lawyers up front. Class Counsel and/or a lawyer you retain will collect the percentage of the compensation outlined above, or a percentage that you specifically agree to. Your lawyers can collect 15% if you pursue a Track 2 claim and receive damages in addition to your share of the $32.7 million aggregate damages fund. Your lawyers can collect any percentage that you agree to if you pursue a Track 3 claim.
If you want to be represented by another lawyer, you may hire one at your own expense. You may also choose to make a claim without a lawyer.
You can contact Koskie Minsky LLP by phone at 1-844-819-8527 or by email at OntarioAdminSegClassAction@kmlaw.ca
10. What are eligible mental health disorders in these class actions?
Eligible mental health disorders, which are considered Serious Mental Illnesses in these class actions, are defined in the relevant Diagnostic and Statistics Manual of Mental Disorders ("DSM") and include:
Substance abuse disorders and personality disorders (except Borderline Personality Disorder) are not eligible disorders.
To qualify as an Inmate with a Serious Mental Illness for the purposes of these class actions, a Class Member must also have suffered from their disorder in a manner listed in Appendix "A", which can be viewed in Question 4.
11. How will the lawyers be paid?
Class Counsel only gets paid if they win a judgment or if there is a settlement. Since they won a judgment for the Francis Class, Class Counsel has already been paid from the aggregate damages amount awarded. Class Counsel did not seek any additional payment from the new $13 million paid by Ontario to settle the aggregate damages claim in the Settlement Agreement.
According to the Distribution Protocol, Class Counsel will receive additional fees for:
If you hire a different lawyer to represent you in your individual claim under the Distribution Protocol, that lawyer’s fee will also be limited to up to 15% plus disbursements in a Track 2 claim, and will need to be approved by the Court if the claim is brought under Track 3.
12. How do I get more information?
You can get more information at www.ontarioadministrativesegregation.ca, by calling toll free at 1-833-290-4730, by email to info@ontarioadministrativesegregation.ca, or writing to:
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